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Dawson Now

Jul 31, 2019

How does a successful college football coach step into politics? Why? What drives a leader? Enjoy a conversation between Scott and Coach as they discuss life, faith, football and politics.

Jul 24, 2019

Dr. and Mrs. John Collier join Scott and Tarra to discuss marriage. What role does marriage have in today's culture? How can you have a Christian marriage? Today's episode is one for the ages for those who want to have a home built on the principles of Christ.

Jul 17, 2019

Learn from our second generational leaders about what they're looking for in a mentor. What disqualifies you and what they wished they had been taught in college about leadership. Go ahead and prepare to be challenged, inspired, and encouraged through this round table discussion.

Jul 9, 2019

In this episode, Scott interviews Shaun Pillay. Shaun and his wife grew up in South Africa and are now citizens here. Shaun and Scott discuss the experiences and differences in the cultural aspects in America. How are Americans perceived and what do we need to be aware of in reaching immigrants, or are people coming...

Jul 3, 2019

In this episode Scott interviews Jeff Struecker, who's life was portrayed in the dilemma, Black Hawk Down. Get ready for the Fourth of July with an appreciation to those who have served our country and hear how we can best serve those who serve our country.